Dear all,Our OA lodges around the country work hard each year to deliver incredible programs, service, and impact to Scouting...
As the OA continues to expand its membership into more diverse communities, we continue to put our mission and purpose...
Last month, section chiefs from around the country attended the National Planning Meeting, which included the Campfire Chat, where our...
Following a thorough review process, the National Order of the Arrow Committee has approved an update to Ceremony for the...
Feedback from our lodge leaders indicates that existing requirements will substantially limit the number of Scouts that will be eligible...
Due to changes in the BSA's National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) standards, all lodge and chapter overnight events that are...
A major focus of our Reemerging from COVID-19 initiatives centers on membership. Our priority has been to concentrate on ensuring...
Many times, difficult situations lead to innovative solutions. COVID-19 has given lodges across the country the tough decision of whether...
New guidelines have been issued to provide lodges in areas under COVID-19 restrictions to proceed with induction events....
We’ve made some key changes to the process by which adults can be selected by the lodge adult selection committee....
In light of the extended period of camping restrictions attributable to COVID-19, following temporary modifications are being made to the...
The National OA Director has approved lodges to hold virtual unit elections until further notice. Due to the cancellation of...