The Language of the OA encompasses style, usage, and grammar norms observed by both Scouting America and the Order of the Arrow. The OA has developed this resource so that communications at every level of the organization are more consistent. Through periodic updates of terminology, it will become a more comprehensive primary resource to ensure chapters, lodges, sections and regions are aware of terms and style specific to the OA.
For more information on broader Scouting terms not commonly used in day-to-day OA operations, please visit The Language of Scouting and BSA Style Manual. To suggest an update and/or edit of The Language of the OA, please email @email.
This guide provides details on OA national and regional Organization, section rules, section conclave guidelines, and section training.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
The legacy project eNewsletter for lodge leadership.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A high adventure base operated by the National Council where aquatics adventure programs, including canoeing, sailing, scuba diving and exploring the reefs of the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, are offered for older Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers.
Capitalize as shown. May be referred to as Florida Sea Base after first reference.
A trio of task forces lead by section chiefs focusing on elections, inductions and activation paired with the duo of tasks forces lead by section chiefs focusing on conclave administration and content
Capitalize as shown.
Award that recognizes Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates that he or she personifies the sopirit of selfless service, as advocated by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.
Capitalize as shown.
This book provides support for lodge and chapter leaders. It reflects the current policies concerning the organization and administration of the Order of the Arrow lodge. Topics covered include lodge organization and program, communications, camping promotion, service, membership requirements, unit elections, OA structure, awards, and more.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide provides information on the Order of the Arrow for professional Scouters.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide brings together all aspects of the induction process and provides a suggested structure for the inductions committee to follow. It provides the current policies and is filled with information about the inductions process from the unit election, to call-out, through the Ordeal, and on to Brotherhood. The 2015 revision includes updates to the unit elections section, and the addition of several new unit-election resources, plus small revisions and updates throughout the document.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
This guide provides information on Order of the Arrow unit elections to both members and non-members. It can be distributed to unit leaders and others who want to know the policies regarding unit elections and how unit elections are conducted.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Can refer to high-adventure activities or to trek programs administered by local councils for older Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers. Use a hyphen when the words are used as a modifier.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific high adventure program. E.g. Order of the Arrow High Adventure
A lodge that excels in three areas of lodge operation: unit elections, induction rate and activation rate. High Performing Lodges (HPL) have a one hundred percent unit election rate, ninety percent induction rate and fifty percent activation rate.
Captialize in sentence case. May abbreviate as HPL.
ArrowTour term used to describe the council, lodge or section that is hosting the venue.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Inductions and Ceremonial Events Committee
Should not be used in guest communications.
Award established in 2012 to recognize chapters and lodges for developing creative and innovative solutions to challenges faced during the implementation of their annual program plans. Two awards in each region are presented annually.
Capitalize as shown.
A term chosen by Baden-Powell to describe the first international gathering of Scouts camping together in London in 1920. The term is restricted to indicate a national or world jamboree. The BSA has a national jamboree every four years. See "contingent" regarding the use of the word to describe Scouting groups attending a jamboree.
Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific jamboree. E.g. "1993 National Scout Jamboree" or "19th World Scout Jamboree." Use "2013 National Scout Jamboree" on first reference. For subsequent references, use "national Scout jamboree" (preferred), "2013 National Jamboree," or "jamboree."
Scouting's Journey to Excellence is the performance measurement and recognition program for BSA groups. It replaced the Quality program in 2011. Can refer to council, unit, lodge, or section JTE. Now retired; see Performance Management Program.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as JTE after first mention.
This guide assists lodges in understanding the Journey to Excellence (JTE) program and how best to develop program plans to achieve the goals.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
JTE Guide alternate language
The three top-level leaders of a group. For example, the Lodge Key 3 is the lodge staff adviser, the lodge adviser and the lodge chief
Capitalize as shown. The numeral "3" is always used in Key 3; it is not spelled out.
A resource on terms and style specific to the Order of the Arrow. It encompasses style, usage, and grammar norms obaserved by both the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A centennial anniversary momento collected from each lodge in preparation for the centennial anniversary. The lid should showcase the lodge's unique legacy within Scouting and its community.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The centennial prelude project that incorporates contributions from each lodge in the OA to celebrate the centennial anniversary. Includes the submission of lodge rocks, legacy lids and lodge history books.
Capitalize as shown.
Award established by the National Order of the Arrow Committee in 2002 to recognize the Order's second and third generation "Founders" - Scouters who have built an enduring legacy to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow through a lifetime of cheerful service to others. Retired in 2018.
Capitalize as shown.
A local council Order of the Arrow group chartered annually by the National Council.
Capitalize in sentence case unless referring to a specific lodge.
Wahissa Lodge conducted a fellowship event for all of the lodges in its section.
A guidebook for lodge advisers, published by the National OA Committee, outlining best practices for effective lodge management
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
A document, published by the National Council, with information on how one can plan, mobilize and deliver a quality community service project
Capitalize and italicized as shown.