The Language of the OA encompasses style, usage, and grammar norms observed by both Scouting America and the Order of the Arrow. The OA has developed this resource so that communications at every level of the organization are more consistent. Through periodic updates of terminology, it will become a more comprehensive primary resource to ensure chapters, lodges, sections and regions are aware of terms and style specific to the OA.
For more information on broader Scouting terms not commonly used in day-to-day OA operations, please visit The Language of Scouting and BSA Style Manual. To suggest an update and/or edit of The Language of the OA, please email @email.
The first ceremony in the OA induction.
Capitalize as shown.
An award presented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference that recognizes individuals who are not members of the OA for outstanding service to the OA.
Capitalize as shown.
The top elected youth Arrowman in each region.
Capitalize in sentence case except when preceding a name.
ArrowTour term used to describe the map of each region's tour schedule.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Scout executives are the executive directors of the local council, and must be commissioned professional Scouters with considerable experience. Each scout executive has been selected by a volunteer committee of the council executive board from a pool of candidates provided by the National Council. In addition to management responsibilities, the scout executive is the corporate secretary of the council, and the principal spokesperson to the local communities of the council.
Capitalize as shown. E.g., "Jack Sears, Jr. is the Scout executive of the North Florida Council," "North Florida Council Scout Executive Jack Sears, Jr."
An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a geographic area of the region. Once every year, members of lodges in the section come together for a conclave to share in fellowship, skills, and training. In addition, the section creates a monitoring/mentoring relationship with its lodges, provides leadership development opportunities, fosters understanding and adherence to national OA policies and procedures, and coordinates OA administrative and program functions. A section is led by three elected youth officers, the section chief, section vice chief, and section secretary, who are advised by an adult section adviser and professional section staff adviser.
Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific section. E.g., "Section E11" or "Section G2."
This event is a gathering of section officers and their advisers in a particular region for training and fellowship. In some cases only the section chief and his adviser are invited.
Capitalize as shown on first reference. Can be abbreviated as SOS for subsequent references.
Email newsletter for section leadership, sent and managed by the National Communications Committee.
Capitalize and italicized as shown.
Monies provided to local OA lodges who submit an application for a service project to their council's operations and/or Scout camps. Each region can receive several grants per calendar year at the discretion of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.
Capitalize in sentence case.
A Scout or Scouter attending the conference as a staff member.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The present home of the Boy Scouts of America national jamboree, located in Mount Hope, WV. A Scouting high adventure base.
Capitalize as shown. May be abbreviated as SBR after first reference. "The Summit" is not an appropriate abbreviation.
The OA's permanent ceremonial grounds at the Summit Bechtel Reserve.
Capitalize as shown.
A national service project in 2011 at the New River Gorge to build trail for the new Summit Bechtel Reserve.
Capitalize as shown.
A set of presumptions that guide each step of the OA inductions process.
Capitalize as shown.
The daily conference newspaper.
Capitalize as shown. Should always be italicized.
A central gathering place at the 2015 NOAC, located at Cherry Lane Park on the Michigan State University campus, that consists of "The Experience," Adventure Central, and is the location for the Grand Hodag and the Centennial Festival.
Capitalize as shown.
The daily conference eNewsletter.
Capitalize as shown. Should always be italicized.
A national webinar hosted for lodge leadership relaying information, tools, and resources from the Focus 2019 committees.
Capitalize as shown. May abbreviate as Thrive.
ArrowTour term that describes the overall schedule of the tour.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The smallest organization group in the Boy Scouts of America. This term is used to refer to Scouts BSA troops, Sea Scout ships, Venturing crews, Exploring posts, and Cub Scout packs.
Capitalize in sentence case.
The smallest organization in the Boy Scouts of America. In the OA, units include Scouts BSA troops, Sea Scout ships, and Venturing crews.
Capitalize in sentence case.
ArrowTour term used to describe the individual locations that the tour will stop at.
Capitalize in sentence case.
Honor that recognizes youth and adult Arrowmen who have distinguished themselves in their lodge and council through exceptional service and personal effort.
Capitalize as shown.
A non-Scout or Scouter attending the event for a day.
Capitalize in sentence case